بفضل معايير جودة التصنيع الرائدة ونظام جودة التصنيع الكامل، فاز مصنع هونشي بجائزة أفضل مصنع في الصين لمدة عامين متتاليين وذلك عامي 2018 و 2019.
في 2018: جائزة التميز في جودة التصنيع لأفضل مصنع في الصين
في 2019: جائزة أفضل مصنع في الصين لتميز الخفة حيث حصلت
هونشي إتش 7 على تصنيف أمان مزدوج من فئة الخمس E-NCAP + C-NCAP
في 19 أكتوبر 2019، فازت هونشي إتش إس 5 بأربع بطولات فردية في سباق التوقف المؤقت، وسباق الكبح 100 كم / ساعة-0، وسباق توفير الطاقة للمسافات الطويلة، وسباق الأداء الشامل في مسابقة أداء السيارات الصينية لعام 2019، وفازت في فئة السيارات الرياضية متعددة الاستخدامات ذات الحجم المتوسط. (مستوى 200000) بطل شامل. هذه هي البطولة الشاملة الثانية لهونشي إتش إس 5 بعد فوزها بالبطولة في كاراماي هاي تيمبريتشر ستيشن (Karamay High Temperature Station) في شينجيانغ.
فازت E-HS3 ببطولة "مجموعة السيارات الرياضية متعددة الاستخدامات الكهربائية النقية المدمجة (عمود إدارة طويل)" في محطة سانيا لمنافسة المركبات العاملة بالطاقة الجديدة في الصين لعام 2019".
في نوفمبر 2019، فازت هونشي إي-إتش إس 3 من الطراز العامل بالطاقة الجديدة بـ "مجموعة السيارات الرياضية متعددة الاستخدامات الكهربائية النقية المدمجة (عمود إدارة طويل)" في "محطة سانيا لمنافسة المركبات العاملة بالطاقة الجديدة في الصين لعام 2019" وحصلت أيضًا على "نموذج الطاقة الجديدة الموصى به لعام 2019 في الصين. هذه هي بطولة الوزن الثقيل التي فاز بها نموذج الجديد للعلامة التجارية هونشي مرة أخرى بعد فوز هونشي إتش إس 5 ببطولتين في "مسابقة أداء السيارات الصينية لعام 2019".
فازت العلامة التجارية هونشي بأكثر من 30 جائزة إعلامية في معرض قوانغتشو للسيارات
نوفمبر 2018، فازت العلامة التجارية هونشي بعدد من الجوائز الإعلامية خلال معرض قوانغتشو للسيارات، من ضمنها أكثر من 30 جائزة موثوقة مثل "العلامة التجارية الفاخرة الأكثر ابتكارًا لعام 2018" و "العلامة التجارية الصينية السنوية للسيدان في السيارات الجديدة لهذا العام- هونشي إتش 5".
في العديد من المؤتمرات الدولية المهمة:
في 12 نوفمبر 2019، تم افتتاح معرض دبي الدولي للسيارات الخامس عشر في مركز دبي التجاري العالمي. معرض السيارات هذا هو أكبر معرض للسيارات وأكثرها تأثيرًا في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا. ترفع سيارة ريد فلاج بأعلى صوت عبارة مصنوع في الصين للمستخدمين في الشرق الأوسط.
معرض فرانكفورت الدولي للسيارات رقم 69
في 10 سبتمبر 2019، تظهر سيارة ريد فلاج S9 وسيارة ريد فلاج E115 لأول مرة في فرانكفورت. يعد معرض فرانكفورت للسيارات أكبر معرض للسيارات في العالم، حيث يجذب جميع شركات السيارات البارزة حول العالم للمشاركة.
في يناير 2019، عُقد مؤتمر CES الثاني والخمسين في لاس فيغاس، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. المعرض هو الحدث السنوي الذي تقيمه جمعية تكنولوجيا المستهلك الأمريكية. إنه أكبر معرض سنوي لتكنولوجيا الإلكترونيات الاستهلاكية وأكثرها تأثيراً في العالم وأكبر حدث تكنولوجي للمستهلكين في العالم. ظهرت العلامة التجارية هونشي لأول مرة مع مقصورة هونشي الذكية الجديدة إلى جانب منتجات أخرى، واختبارها "العارض" ضمن قائمة "أفضل 20 كشكًا لعام 2019 في معرض CES" ("أفضل ما في معرض CES").
HONGQI uses cookies for various purpose
We want to ensure optimum use of our website for you, and also to continually improve our website. We can also show you use-based content and advertising, and tothis end we work with selected partners (incl. Google, Facebook, Salesforce). You also receive advertising on other websites through these partners. You can revoke your
This tool helps you to select and deactivate various tags / trackers / analytic tools used on this website.
Technically required
Required web technologies and cookies make our website technically accessible to and usable for you. This applies to fundamental base functionalities such as navigation on the website, correct display in your internet browser or requesting your consent. Without these web technologies and cookies our website does not work.
Analysis and statistics
We want to constantly improve the user-friendliness and performance of our websites. For this reason we use analysis technologies (including cookies) which pseudonymously measure and evaluate which functions and content of our websites are used, how and how often. On this basis we can improve our websites for users.
Privacy Statement
1. Privacy and Cookie Policy
China faw group import and export co. LTD as well as its affiliates and subsidiaries around the globe (hereinafter referred to as "FAW", "We" or "Our" for short) really knows the importance of privacy to you, and pays high attention to protecting your privacy. Before you visit this Website or submit your personal data, FAW reminds you to read and understand this Privacy and Cookie Policy (hereinafter referred to as this "Policy" for short). This Policy is applicable to FAW's websites, products and services displaying this Policy or linked to this Policy. This Policy describes how FAW would process your personal data. But this Policy might not involve all the data processing scenarios. Information about the collection of the specific data of products or services might be released by FAW in its complementary policies or in the notifications provided at the time of data collection.
Collection of Personal Data
Personal data refers to information that can be used to confirm the
identity of individuals when being used separately or in combination
with other information. Such data might be submitted to us directly by
you when you are using our websites, products or services or when you
are interacting with us, for example, when you are creating a FAW
account or contacting us to get support; or might be obtained by us
through recording how you are interacting with our websites, products
or services, by using techniques such as cookie or receiving the usage
data from the software running on your device. When permitted by law,
we might also obtain related data from third-party public and
commercial sources. For example, we might purchase statistical data
from other companies to support our services. The data collected by us
depends on the websites you visited or the products and services you
used, and might include names, addresses, emails, telephone numbers,
and login information (usernames and passwords).
You have the
right to refuse to provide personal data. But if you refuse to provide
certain personal data, you might not be able to use our products or
services, or your refusal might have certain impact on your use of our
products or services.
2. Use of Personal Data
We might use your personal data for the following purposes:
(a) Fulfill orders; deliver, activate or authenticate products or services; make changes at your request; and provide technical support.
(b) Contact you with your consent; send information about products and services that you might be interested in; invite you to participate in FAW's promotions and market surveys; or send marketing information to you. If you don't want to receive such information, you can unsubscribe at any time.
(c) Conduct internal audits, data analyses and researches, and improve our products and services.
(d) Analyze the efficiency of business operations and measure our market share.
(e) Troubleshoot errors when you choose to send error details to us.
(f) Synchronize, share and save the data you uploaded or downloaded as well as run the data needed for uploading and downloading.
(g) Improve our loss prevention and fraud prevention programs.
(h) Abide by and implement the applicable legal requirements as well
as relevant industry standards or our policies.
FAW might also collect and use non-identifying data. Non-identifying
data refers to the data that cannot be used to determine the identity
of individuals. For example, FAW might collect the aggregated
statistical data, such as website traffic. The purpose of FAW
collecting such data is to learn how the users use its websites,
products and services, with which FAW can improve its services and
better meet the needs of customers. FAW might decide at its own
discretion to collect, use, process, transfer or disclose
non-identifying data for other purposes. We would do our best to
isolate your personal data from non-identifying data and use these two
types of data separately. If personal data is mixed with
non-identifying data, they will still be treated as personal data.
3.Cookie and Similar Technologies
In order to ensure the normal operation of our websites, we might save small data files called cookie on computers or mobile devices from time to time. Cookie are text files saved on computers or mobile devices by network servers. The contents of cookie can only be retrieved or read by the servers that have created them. Each cookie is unique to your web browser or mobile app. A cookie usually contains identifiers, website names as well as some numbers and characters. With cookie, websites can save data about user's preferences or items in their shopping carts. The purpose of FAW using cookie is to improve user experience, the same as that of most websites or Internet service providers. With cookie, websites can remember user's single visits (using session cookie) or multiple visits (using permanent cookie). Meanwhile, websites can save settings, such as computer's or mobile device's languages, font sizes and other browsing preferences. This means that users don't need to reconfigure their preference settings every time they visit a website. If a website doesn't use cookie, then every time when a webpage is opened by a user, the website would see this user as a new visitor. For example, if you move to another webpage after logging in to a website, this website will not be able to recognize you, and you will be logged off again. FAW will not use cookie for any purpose other than those described in this Policy. You can manage or delete cookie based on your own preferences. For details, visit AboutCookies.org. You can clear all the cookie saved on your computer, and most web browsers provide a function to block cookie. But if you enable this function, you will need to personally change your user settings every time when you visit our websites.
4.Web beacons and pixel tags
In addition to cookie, we might also use other similar techniques such as web beacons and pixel tags at our websites. For example, the emails sent to you by FAW might contain clickable URLs linked to the contents on FAW websites. If you click the links, FAW would track the click to help us learn your product and service preferences and improve our customer services. Web beacons usually are a kind of transparent images embedded in websites or emails. With the pixel tags in emails, we can learn whether emails have been opened. If you don't want your activities to be tracked this way, you can unsubscribe from FAW's mailing list at any time. Using our websites means that you have agreed to allow us to use cookie, web beacons and pixel tags in the ways described above. When required by applicable laws or in response to legal procedures, FAW might also disclose your personal data to the relevant law enforcement agencies or other government agencies. In certain jurisdictions, if FAW is involved in reorganizations, mergers or bankruptcy and liquidation litigations, then your personal data might also be disclosed to the counterparties. FAW might also disclose your data when there is a reasonable need to do so, for example, when it is necessary to disclose your data in order to implement terms and conditions as well as when we believe it is necessary to do so in order to prevent physical damages or property losses or investigate possible or actual illegal behaviors and such disclosure is appropriate.
We will not share your personal information with any company, organization or individual outside of FAW, except for the following circumstances:
1. Sharing with explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we might share your personal information with other parties.
2. We might share your personal information with external parties in accordance with applicable laws and regulations or according to the mandatory requirements of government authorities.
3. Sharing with our subsidiaries: We will only share the necessary personal information, and are subject to the purposes stated in this Policy. If any of our subsidiaries intents to change the purpose of using your personal information, it will ask for your permission again.
4. Sharing with our authorized partners: This is only for the purposes stated in the privacy policy. Some of our services will be provided by our authorized partners. We might share certain of your personal information with our partners in order to provide better customer services and better user experiences. For example, when you buy our products online, we must share your personal information with our logistics service provider to arrange for delivery or make arrangements for our partner to provide services. We will share your personal information only for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes, and will only share your personal information necessary for providing services. Our partners have no right to share your personal information for any other purpose..
1. We will not transfer your personal information to any other company, organization or individual except for the following circumstances: transferring with your explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we may transfer your personal information to other parties;
2. In case of mergers, acquisitions or liquidation, if the transfer of personal information is involved, we will ask the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this privacy policy, or we will ask the said company or organization to seek your consent again.
1. After obtaining your explicit consent;
2. Disclosure based on applicable laws: We might publicly disclose your personal information upon the mandatory request of laws, legal procedures, litigations or government authorities.
7.Access or Modification to Personal Data
You should ensure that all the personal data you submitted is accurate and without error. FAW will do its best to protect the accuracy and completeness of personal data, and to update such data in a timely manner. When required by applicable laws, you might (1) have the right to access the specific personal data kept by us about you; (2) ask us to update or correct your inaccurate personal data; (3) refuse to let us use your personal data; and (4) ask us to delete your personal data. If you want to exercise related rights, please send an email to xxxxxxxxx to notify us. To ensure security, you might need to make a written request. If we have a reason to believe that such a request is deceptive, not doable or might compromise the privacy of others, we will refuse to process the request.
8.Protection of Personal Data
FAW takes the security of personal data seriously. We are taking appropriate physical, management and technical measures to protect your personal data from being accessed, disclosed, used, modified, damaged or lost without authorization.For any personal information that you might be asked to provide when you browse this Website, you are free to determine whether you want to provide it. After you have provided the information, FAW will use it to the extent permitted by law, to improve its services. Once you have submitted your personal information, it indicates that you have already understood and accepted the usage of your personal information, and that you have agreed to allow FAW to use your personal information for this specific purpose. Without your permission, FAW promises not to sell your personal information at any time and under any circumstance. However, FAW might provide certain of your personal information to the legal or government agencies at their request; or FAW might make certain of your personal information public within a scope as small as possible when it has a reason to believe that it's necessary to do so to protect the Company, its customers or the public, and when you provide your personal information, you are supposed to have foreseen such a situation or have agreed that there might be such a situation. We will keep your personal data for the period needed to achieve the purposes described in this Policy, unless the period to keep your personal data needs to be extended or the extension is permitted by law. We will do our best to protect your personal data. But please note that none of the security measures is impeccable.
9.Personal Data of Minors
Our products, websites and services are mainly for adults. Without the consent of their parents or guardians, minors shall not create their own user accounts. In case that the parents agree to allow us to collect the personal data of their children, we will only use or disclose such data when permitted by law or when the parents or guardians give us an explicit consent or when it's necessary to do so in order to protect the minors.
If FAW finds that it has collected the personal data of children without getting the verifiable consent of their parents in advance, it will try to delete the data as soon as possible.
10.Third-party Providers and Their Services
In order to ensure a smooth browsing experience, you might receive the contents or website links provided by third parties outside of FAW and its partners (hereinafter referred to as "third parties" for short). FAW does not have control over such third parties. You can choose whether or not you want to visit the links, contents, products and services provided by third parties.
FAW cannot control the privacy and data protection policies of third parties. Such third parties are not subject to this Policy. Before submitting your personal information to them, please read the privacy protection policy of those third parties for reference.
11.Transfer of Personal Data
FAW is a multinational company. This means that your personal data collected by FAW might be processed in countries/regions where you are using our products or services and in other countries/regions where FAW or its affiliates or subsidiaries or service providers with organizations, or accessed by people from those countries/regions. The data protection laws of those countries/regions might be different. Under such circumstances, FAW would take measures to ensure that the data collected by us will be processed in accordance with the requirements of this Policy and the applicable local laws. For example, FAW would use various legal mechanisms, including standard contract terms or would request your consent for the cross-border transfer of your personal data or adopt security measures such as data anonymization before transferring data across borders.
12.Your Rights
We guarantee that you can exercise the following rights to your personal information in accordance with China's relevant laws, regulations and standards as well as the common practices of other countries and regions:
(1) Access your personal information You have the right to access your personal information, excluding the exceptions set out in applicable laws and regulations.
(2) Correct your personal information When you found that your personal information processed by us has errors, you have the right to ask us to make corrections. You can make an application for correction through one of the methods listed in (I) Access your personal information. If you cannot correct your personal information through the above link, you can contact us through our web form or send an email to xxxxxxxxx at any time. We will respond to your request for correction within 30 days.
(3) Delete your personal information
1. If our way of processing your personal information is against laws and regulations;
2. If we are collecting or using your personal information without your consent;
3. If our way of processing your personal information breaches our agreement with you;
4. If you no longer use our products or services, or you have deleted your account;
5. If we no longer provide products or services for you
If we have decided to respond to your request for deletion, we will also notify the entities obtaining your personal information from us to delete your personal information in a timely manner, unless otherwise specified in laws and regulations or these entities have obtained your authorization separately. After your information is deleted from our service, we might not immediately delete the corresponding information from our backup system, but will delete the information when updating the backup.
In principle we do not charge you for your reasonable request. But we will charge you for certain amount to offset our cost in case of repeated requests beyond the reasonable level depending on the situation. We might reject requests that are repeatedly submitted for no reason, require too many technical actions (e.g. the need for developing new systems or fundamentally changing the existing practices), bring risks to the legitimate rights of others, or are very unrealistic (e.g. involving the backup of information saved on magnetic tapes). We will not be able to respond to your request under the following circumstances due to legal requirements:
1. Your information is directly related to national security or national defense;
2. Your information is directly related to public security, public health, or major public interests;
3. Your information is directly related to the investigation, prosecution and trial of crimes as well as the enforcement of verdicts;
4. There are sufficient evidences to prove that you are ill-minded or abusing your rights;
5. Responding to your request will lead to a serious damage to the legitimate rights of yours or other individuals or organizations;
6. Your information involves business secrets
FAW reserves the right to update or revise this Policy from time to time. If our Privacy Policy is changed, we will publish the latest version of the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy here. If we have made major modifications to the Privacy Policy, we might also notify you of the modifications through different channels.
14.Applicable Laws
This Policy is subject to the laws of the People's Republic of China. If you have any questions, opinions or suggestions, please contact us by sending an email to [email protected] If you are not satisfied with our reply, especially if our way of processing your personal information has damaged your legitimate rights, you can seek resolution from a court in the Jilin changchun the People's Republic of China that has jurisdiction over the matter.